Cyber Security Is Our Focus

Cyraatek is determined to support the education of organisations, ensuring that they understand risks and threats and embrace the need for a recognised security regime.

Our Services

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing provides insight into an attacker’s mind. It is where security theory meets hacker reality


We understand the value of information in your business, and how information is handled can be pivotal for your business

Endpoint Security

We also provide enpoint protection covering all major platforms including Windows, MacOS, iOS, Linux and Android


Security awareness ensures your employees detect threats and protect your organization’s critical information assets.

Our Approach

Assess + Detect

From vulnerability assessment to simulating real-world attacks with our penetration testing service

Respond + Remediate

We respond swiftly and effectively to breaches as well as manage detected threats in your infrastructure

Prevent + Comply

From vulnerability assessment to simulating real-world attacks with our penetration testing service

About Us

At Cyraatek, we detect and protect organisations from cyber threats. We offer our clients end-to-end security solutions from auditing to penetration testing, security software and hardware sollutions to training on security essentials.

We include people, culture, processes and the physical environment to make your business as impenetrable as possible against the threats from Cyber criminals. By offering bespoke cyber security solutions to resolve challenges across a wide spectrum of secotrs, Cyraatek has become the ideal service provider of many SMEs